Showing posts with label blogathon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogathon. Show all posts

Sunday, July 19, 2015

This Is How I Work Blogathon

Fellow blogger Mariah at a A Space Blogdessey changed things up a bit by starting a blogathon about her process and asking us some questions about ours. Inspired by other bloggers, she asked us to join in a challenge to show us how we work. Thank you to Mariah for hosting this blogathon. Enjoy the look behind the scenes about how this blog survives staying active every month.

What apps can my not live without? Netflix seems like a pretty obvious one to give a shout-out to. I also really love WPS Office, which allows me to write and edit documents. Sometimes writing is much easier on my tablet punching in every letter one by one rather than facing my keyboard and a blank screen. Google Keep is also easy for creating small notes and ideas in one place.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Movie Roulette Blogathon

Mettel's latest blogathon is such a cool idea. I couldn't pass up the chance to participate. Let's play Movie Roulette!

The rules are these: Pick five or more facts from a list she has provided. At random, choose a gif from one of her sets. Comment on the answers that you're given - if you want to.

Whichever movie gifs I grabbed became my answer for each fact. This was hard - I was tempted to keep picking until a more favorite movie popped up - but meh, I let it be. It was a blast! Stop by Mettel Ray for information on the blogathon if you want to join in and hope you enjoy!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

10 Favorite Cinematic Moments (A Fisti Blogathon)

favorite cinematic moments blog challenge
Feeling euphoria from a film can be a rare experience. We go through a lot of bad, mediocre, and semi-good movies to discover the golden nuggets. The true gems remind us why we fell in love with movies as a kid or why we became movie bloggers when so many movies throughout the year can just plain stink. Most of the really good films are hard to get off of our minds because a certain moment touches us unlike any other.

As fellow blogger Fisti describes, it can be the way powerful music fills a scene, an actor bares his all, how scenes are seamlessly edited, and a grand climax to an adventure. Cinematic moments is the inspiration for his latest blogathon.
The rules are super simple, so simple they may as well not be rules, just suggestions. 
1) Pick a number between 1 and 100 (any more than 100 is just gaudy)
2) Choose that many cinematic moments that are either your all time favorites or ones that could, on any given day, be your all time favorites
3) Post them on your blog (or Tumblr or whatever) with the above header (or one you create for yourself)
4) Send me the link by either posting it here in the comments or getting ahold of me on Twitter ( @fististhoughts )
Thirteen scenes were selected as my favorites. I'm sure there will be more that come to mind later!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Brilliant Acting Defined by One Look

Brittany at Rambling Film shared a great idea of Brilliant Acting Defined by One Look. Upon reading her awesome list, I was immediately excited to comb my favorite expressions that are unforgettable.

Sometimes during award show season it's easy to get caught up in the loudest performances; comedic actors who prove they are capable of being dramatic, actors who physically transform to the point of being unrecognizable, and life-changing themes that strike everyone's heartstrings. The most natural and memorable moments on film sometimes occur the most strongly when looks speak louder than words. I'm sure there are plenty more choices I could've added but I left this list at a solid ten picks. I hope you enjoy (thank you Brittany)!

Lucille Ball - I Love Lucy

Uh oh, Lucy is up to no good again. All Lucille Ball had to do was give a glimpse at her husband Ricky, or friends Ethel and Fred, for us to know she was up to something. This crazy redhead was able to distort her face into so many wildly comedic and expressive looks. I don't think there's another comedienne who'll live up to the same amount of physical comedy.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Fairytale Blogathon: Meet the Charmings

Over the summer Fritzi Kramer at Movies Silently invited bloggers to partake in a Fairytale Blogathon. As a big fan of so many adventures about true love overcoming all, I couldn't wait to cover one of my favorite princess/prince relationships: The Charmings from Once Upon A Time.

When this show premiered in 2011, millions of home viewers instantly fell in love with the fairytale-centered story split between a fantasy world and a small town in Maine called Storybrooke. From the creators of Lost came a new show starring popular and favorite fairytale characters stuck in a new dimension of the real world unable to remember who they were.

Two of the main characters that caught my attention from the beginning were the Charmings - more commonly known as Snow White and Prince Charming. The show has explored the many dreamy, romantic ways some princes and princesses have met (Cinderella/Phillip, Ariel and Eric, etc) and spun their legends into charming storylines of adventure, sacrifice, and romance. Though Once Upon A Time is a Disney production, the story of Prince Charming and Snow White's relationship isn't the Walt Disney animated version most of us grew up with.

Over the span of the first season Snow White and Prince Charming meet, fall in love, (have a young daughter who they sacrifice from an evil curse), lose, and find each other. To not dive into the entire series of complicated storylines, we're going to focus more on the main similarities between the animated film and the television show, and why the latter is vastly more interesting.