Showing posts with label blog challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog challenge. Show all posts

Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Ten Best Christmas Movies of All Time Relay

Nostra came up with a great idea to get everyone in the Christmas spirit: a Best Christmas Movies of All Time relay race, where bloggers try to decide which are the best holiday movies. Thanks to Margaret at Cinematic Corner for passing the torch over to me! Let's get started!

Here are the rules:

The list has 10 Christmas movies (in random order) and when the baton is handed over to a new blogger, he or she has to remove one title of the list (with an explanation why) and add one new title. 

Once that is done a new blogger is contacted who will take the baton and run with it, doing the same (you can reinstate a title which has been previously removed). 

As Christmas is in three weeks I want to ask you to publish your entry as quickly as possible to make sure the list changes as much as possible before the 25th of December. Add the logo of this relay race to your post and also add links to those who came before you making it easy for everyone to find all the entries

The bloggers so far: Marked Movies, Keith and the Movies, Flixchatter, Rambling Film, Two Dollar Cinema, Dell on Movies, A Film a Day, Cinematic Corner

Saturday, December 16, 2017

2nd Annual Merry Fictional Challenge

The holiday season is here! And, I thought I would pep this place up a bit with a little Christmas cheer from a holiday blog challenge I created last year. Get the list of questions at this post. If you'd like to join in, feel free to comment with a link to your blog in this post below or tweet me! I'd love to see your answers!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Mettel Ray Movie Alphabet Challenge

One of my favorite movie bloggers Mettel Ray just celebrated her seventh blogging anniversary. Reminiscing about how our favorites change over time, she rebooted one of her previous blogathons: My Movie Alphabet, where participants share their choice of favorite actors, movies, directors, etc.

I thought this would be so fun to participate in, but didn't know where my picks would lead. Classic Hollywood has been on my mind lately, but more modern movies and musicals squeezed their way in too. This was so much fun and helped me think out of the box, and I honestly could've kept this going over and over again. See any of your favorites below? What movies or actors would you put on your list? Feel free to give a shout-out in the comments! Be sure to head over to her blog to join!

Monday, December 19, 2016

My Merry Fictional Challenge Answers

Christmas is just around the corner. I created this little holiday meme a while back and thought it was finally time to give it a whirl! If you'd like to join in, feel free to comment with a link to your blog at this post or with your own picks. I'd love to see your answers!

Advent Calendar: Traditions you celebrate during December?
My mom, sister and I make a whole day of shopping together - going to the mall, getting a drink at Starbucks, etc. My family also know that my Christmas day is 1000% reserved for watching A Christmas Story marathon - it's one of my favorite days of the year.

Carols: What's your favorite song(s)?
Christmas Is A Comin' by Bing Crosby, Underneath the Tree by Kelly Clarkson, Jingle Bells by Barbra Streisand - to name a few. I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to holiday music. I can't get enough!

Coal: A naughty character you'd send coal to?
Spencer Monroe - The Walking Dead. Negan kinda took care of that for me but still....

Fireplace: Favorite Christmas movie that melts your heart?
It's A Wonderful Life. It just doesn't feel like Christmas if I don't watch this at least once.

Gingerbread: What's your favorite holiday snack?
Anything peppermint flavored- chocolates, marshmallows, cookies, candy canes.

Hot Cocoa: What's your favorite drink?
BARNIES WHITE CHRISTMAS MOCHA. It's so hard to find but such a good coffee.

Mistletoe: Character you'd like to meet under the mistletoe?

Mittens: A cozy outfit that keeps you warm during winter?
This Christmas has been so hot in Florida (thanks, global warming); it's been the usual shorts and t-shirts I typically wear during the summer. Usually a pair of jammies will keep me warm enough though. I actually can't wait to move and go somewhere where the seasons change. I don't know how I'm going to react when I encounter snow again.

Naughty: Three characters who'd make the Naughty list.
Negan - The Walking Dead, Kilgrave - Jessica Jones, Rumpelstiltskin - Once Upon a Time.

Nice: Three characters who'd make the Nice list.
Eleven - Stranger Things, Regina - Once Upon a Time, and Sasha - The Walking Dead.

North Pole: If you could spend Christmas anywhere, where would you go?
Absolutely - Hogwarts. I'd just love to spend time in the Gryffindor common room by the fireplace or in the Great Hall and watch the tree get decorated.

Presents: A book or movie on your wishlist?
Agent Carter season one. That girl needs some support after everything that happened to her this year.

Rudolph: What's your favorite TV holiday special?
I Love Lucy Christmas special. Lucy, Ricky, Fred and Ethel try to make Christmas magical for little Ricky and end up encountering a little magic of their own. I'm so happy CBS has played it the past few years.

Santa: A character you'd love to exchange presents with? What would you get them?
Rick Grimes - I'd give him a bunch of stuff - canned foods, water bottles, knives - and then I would force him to hide it from Negan.

Scrooge: A villain you'd help see life in a different way?
I don't know how many villains are pass the point of being redeemed. Maybe Kylo Ren?

Snowflake: Something that makes you feel special.
Random conversations with strangers like a barista or cashier. It's nice to just pause and talk to someone and connect, even if it's fleeting.

Tree: What do you decorate your house with for the season?
I like to make a lot of little crafts like paper snowflakes and chain links. It's starting to get a bit fancier with more complicated craft projects though (thanks Pinterest!).

Yuletide: The top 3 things in your life that make you happy?
Trying to think outside of the box of friends and family - soooo... I'll say taking walks early in the morning, dachshunds, and late nights watching movies in bed.

BONUS: Ugly Christmas Sweater: Would you wear a sweater Molly Weasley made you or avoid it like the plague? I'd definitely wear it but it'd have to be on a cooler day here. I'd probably pass out otherwise!

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

A Merry Fictional Blog Challenge

'Tis the season to be jolly and ponder about our feels from the past year. I thought it'd be fun to make a challenge to chat about the holiday season and include some of our favorite (or least) fictional characters in on the fun. Below is A Merry Fictional Blog Challenge! 

You're invited to join in on the fun! Simply copy & paste the questions to your blog for you to answer. Feel free to use the banner above or make your own. This is an open challenge - so no deadline to participate!

Advent Calendar: What traditions you celebrate during December? Are you starting new traditions this year?
Carols: What's your favorite song(s)?
Coal: A naughty character you'd send coal to?
Fireplace: Favorite Christmas movie that melts your heart?
Gingerbread: What's your favorite holiday snack?
Hot Cocoa: What's your favorite drink?
Lights: A character has had the brightest or most positive impact for you this year?
Mistletoe: Character you'd like to meet under the mistletoe?
Mittens: A cozy outfit that keeps you warm during winter?
Naughty: Three characters who'd make the Naughty list.
Nice: Three characters who'd make the Nice list.
North Pole: If you could spend Christmas anywhere (even fictional), where would you go?
Presents: A book or movie on your wishlist?
Rudolph: What's your favorite TV holiday special?
Santa: A character you'd love to exchange presents with? What would you get them?
Scrooge: A villain you'd help see life in a different way?
Snowflake: A special fandom or movie moment that made 2017 awesome.
Tree: What do you decorate your house with for the season?
Yuletide: The top 3 things in your life that make you the most happy?
BONUS: Ugly Christmas Sweater: Would you wear a sweater Molly Weasley made you or avoid it like the plague?

❄️ Tag! You’re it! ❄️
I welcome anyone who would like to do this challenge and add a little holiday cheer to their blog. My answers will be coming along in a separate post as well. Comment below or  tweet me your post for a re-tweet and so I can add you to a master list of entries - I'd love to see your answers!

Thanks for joining in! Check out these awesome participants so far: NikkipediaPrincess Deia, Layla Wrote, Live Love RandomDePepi, Her Geekery, PrimaGeek, OftenOffTopic, BizarreBrunette, Epicfied, My Open Sketchbook