Friday, May 21, 2021

Thursday Movie Picks - Cyberpunk

Wandering Through the Shelves hosts Thursday Movie Picks. It's a weekly series where bloggers post and share various movie picks every Thursday. 

The rules are simple: based on the theme of the week pick three to five movies and tell us why you picked them. For further details and the schedule visit the series main page here.

This week is Thursday Movie Picks - Cyberpunk.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Weirdest Movies Blogathon

Ronyell at The Surreal Movies and TV blog is hosting The Weirdest Movies Blogathon this May.

The rules are to list up to 5 to 10 of the weirdest movies you've ever seen. They don't have to be our favorite movies or ones we even like - just films that we thought are weird. The blogathon runs into May 20th. If you want to join in, feel free to check the official post here.

I don't watch a lot of weird movies - it's not a genre that I typically reach for. Granted these picks aren't probably odd for everyone or the weirdest ones ever, but they were out there enough for me. 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Thursday Movie Parks - Period Dramas

Wandering Through the Shelves hosts Thursday Movie Picks. It's a weekly series where bloggers post and share various movie picks every Thursday. 

The rules are simple: based on the theme of the week pick three to five movies and tell us why you picked them. For further details and the schedule visit the series main page here.

This week is Thursday Movie Picks - Period Dramas. This genre is one of my favorites, so limiting myself to three picks was quite the challenge. I didn't want to go overboard.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Thursday Movie Picks - Oscar Winners Edition: Best Director

Wandering Through the Shelves hosts Thursday Movie Picks. It's a weekly series where bloggers post and share various movie picks every Thursday. 

The rules are simple: based on the theme of the week pick three to five movies and tell us why you picked them. For further details and the schedule visit the series main page here.

This week is Thursday Movie Picks - Oscar Winners Edition: Best Director.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

TMP Television Edition: TV Score and/or Theme Song

Wandering Through the Shelves hosts Thursday Movie Picks. It's a weekly series where bloggers post and share various movie picks every Thursday. 

The rules are simple: based on the theme of the week pick three to five movies and tell us why you picked them. For further details and the schedule visit the series main page here.

This week is Thursday Movie Picks - TMP Television Edition: TV Score and/or Theme Song. These could've easily been used for TV Opening Sequence a few weeks ago. 

Friday, April 23, 2021

The One Where Katy Doesn't Know Anything At All

I’ve been thinking for a while about what to do with my little corner on the internet, and I recently have had to force myself to realize – I don’t know.

Maybe it’s the combination of not being able to go to the movie theaters for the past year, and missing the camaraderie that the film blogging community used to have…but something has been out of whack with blogging, my love of movies, and writing for a while. And, felt like now was a good of a time to put this out here. That I just don’t know what I’m doing here.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Thursday Movie Picks - Psychological Thrillers

Wandering Through the Shelves hosts Thursday Movie Picks. It's a weekly series where bloggers post and share various movie picks every Thursday. The rules are simple: based on the theme of the week pick three to five movies and tell us why you picked them. For further details and the schedule visit the series main page here.

This week is Thursday Movie Picks - Psychological Thrillers.
This theme is so vast, it'll be exciting to see what everyone picks this week. I didn't intend for this to have a sub-theme, but once the first movie popped into my head, I just went with it.