Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Epic Cosplay at MegaCon Orlando 2019

Cosplayers: Libina Cosplay, Pinky Pandemonium, Life Like Cosplay
Photographer: Amber Valois
You never know what kind of cosplay you're going to discover at MegaCon Orlando, where over 100,000 people are expected to attend. With the genre of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror being as vast as it is, there's a high probability you're going to experience a little bit of everything. That's exactly what myself and my assisting photographer Amber Valois found out in the open and strutting through the corridors at the Orange County Convention Center. From Disney and Harry Potter to Game of Thrones and Guardians of the Galaxy, and beyond, here are the epic cosplayers from MegaCon Orlando 2019. Which one is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below! 

Note: Credit has been attributed to cosplayers in the photo captions. Please check out their amazing work on social media. This post will continued to be updated as more cosplayers are identified.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Best of Game Of Thrones Series Finale Reactions

After eight years reigning as the biggest show around the world, there was no way Game of Thrones could've managed to please everybody. But there was also no way of knowing how it would unpack, overlook, and swerve from all of our theories and expectations. As the series finale dawned, the last episode delivered plenty of moments to make us feel every feel across the spectrum from outraged and shocked to confused and blase to relatively pleased and content. While I'll be posting my fuller thoughts on watching the series for the first time upon its last season, these are some of the best reactions to the show's love-to-hate or hate-to-love-it goodbye. What was your overall reaction to The Iron Throne? Let me know in the comments. And, this post contains spoilers. Read at your own risk.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer Reaction & Breakdown

Sony Pictures Releasing
The MCU is still reeling from Avengers: Endgame and probably will be for a long time. It's only fitting that the franchise starts moving on with the second installment for Spider-Man. Hitting theaters July 2nd, 2019, a much-needed and well-earned vacation for Peter Parker and his friends unravels some unexpected consequences from the universe snip-snapping back into place.

If you haven't seen Avengers: Endgame, it's a good idea to skip this trailer and post. Spoilers are ahead!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Top 10 Movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Top 10 Movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has had a good run for the past eleven years. Better than most would've ever expected when Iron Man hit the scene. Now twenty-two films later, and the first saga of its universe has come to an end. While revisiting the previous spin-offs and installments in preparation of Avengers: Endgame, I compiled what I consider to be the best of the MCU so far.

How would you rank the top ten movies? Feel free to let me know in the comments below! (This does not contain spoilers for Avengers: Endgame.)

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Why Captain America's Decision in Avengers: Endgame Works

Captain America Time Travel Avengers: Endgame
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Avengers: Endgame is one of the biggest movies of the 21st Century. So it'd be massively surprising if it didn't leave us with questions and ideas about its most beloved characters - especially Captain America and the road he's been on so far since Captain America: The First Avenger.

Having seen the film, and reading debates online about its plotholes, I wanted to explore what they mean for Steve Rogers and his journey throughout Marvel's finale for the Infinity Saga. This post contains massive spoilers. Read it your own risk.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Avengers: Endgame (2019) Is A Fine Finale But Not Marvel's Finest Hours

Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
With The Snap of Thanos’s fingers, Avengers: Infinity War flipped from a typical superhero flick into an unforgettable event that no Marvel fan or casual movie-goer would ever forget. To say that Avengers: Endgame has been an event of its own is massive understatement. Its unbelievable hype has a lot to live to up since we saw half the universe dusted into oblivion in 2018. As Marvel draws its Infinity Saga to a close, this twenty second film is without-a-doubt a funny, action-packed and tender farewell. But in good ways and bad, it doesn’t necessarily capture the same magic of its sister flick.

As Paul Bettany once wisely said, “Snitches end up in ditches” if they spoiler Avengers: Endgame. Taking my fate into my own hands, I’m breaking with the requests from the Powers that Be (Marvel Studios and co.) to say: this review contains massive spoilers. Read it your own risk.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

How Iron Man (2008) Changed Superhero Movies Forever

Superhero movies weren't new when Iron Man strolled onto the scene in 2008. Superman had been fighting kryptonite since 1976. Throughout the 1990s to early 2000s went either straight-to-video (Captain America and The Death of the Incredible Hulk) or were on their third sequels (X-Men, Spider-Man). Though Christopher Nolan's Batman overshadowed 2008 with The Dark Knight, a string of lukewarm movies (Daredevil, Fantastic Four, and Ghost Rider) made the superhero genre seem less and less like a gamble worth betting on.

But fast-forward ten years from 2008, and generations have grown up knowing and loving the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it. With a slew of characters and multiple spin-offs on the way, Iron Man is where it all started and where it changed everything, and where it seems to remain as one of the most underrated Marvel films.