Showing posts with label television shows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label television shows. Show all posts

Sunday, October 11, 2015

X-Files Xtras: Thoughts on Season 3

The X-Files season three
Not hooking an audience from the get-go can end a series in a second these days. Networks don't take a chance on shows like this anymore, even if characters are loved and the story is interesting. At season three the characters have us us hooked, but X-Files struggles with what it wants to be.

The major constant for X-Files is FBI Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Each have separate beliefs about "the truth" - mystery, faith, the paranormal and supernatural. They solve a different case every episode, and many of them don't have an overall arc, except for their interests and partnership. The core episodes where Mulder and Scully get in too deep with leper experiments, her sister's murder, and his sister's disappearance is when they evolve as individuals and grow closer. On top of that, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson are exemplary with their chemistry. They are a duo that comes around very rarely, where they are seamless and just click. 

X-Files falls into the mystery genre, but it's also suspenseful, a bit wacky, a bit of product from its times, and even humorous (depending on the investigation Mulder/Scully are on). Importantly, all of them are centered on the truth being out there. It has a little bit of everything and a general premise to keep it grounded.

Monday, October 5, 2015

X-Files Xtras: Update

133 episodes in 113 days! Challenge Accepted. Besides the first season of House of Cards (and The Walking Dead marathons on AMC), I would not call myself a binge-watcher per say - but for X-Files I've made the sacrifice. Three episodes a day, sometimes more on the weekend, keeps me generally on track to watching all the seasons before the epic revival.

Speaking of which, did you see the trailer - like the trailer Fox released? I did, and only rewatched it a million times. MULDER. THE RIPPED POSTER. SCULLY. SKINNER. THE RIPPED POSTER. FLASHLIGHTS. Yes, it was very exciting.

Spectacularly in my quest to watch X-Files, I have not encountered any spoilers - even when I've bookmarked countless pages to read as I move through each season, even as I've been reblogging gifs on tumblr galore and really only following X-Files blogs.

A part of me doesn't want to enter the world known as season four, where feelings are going to get more and more complicated between Mulder and Scully. Do I want them to be together - or not? Most fans stan for these two as a couple but as of now I struggle and remain a loyal fan of them platonically. We'll see there that goes....

Instead of posting my fangirling as apart of So Fetch Friday, it's getting posts of their own.  Since I just finished season three this weekend (YIPPEE), I'll be posting some of my thoughts, favorites and least favorites, and plenty more!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Fitting Bon Voyage to A Late Late Night King

Last night was the final episode of The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. I really couldn't believe his announcement earlier this year to leave his late night talk show came so quickly. Luckily, thankfully, and surprisingly, it was not a departure that I thought I would struggle hard over - so far.

Watching his interviews on YouTube all the time really helped - it sorta feels like he hasn't really left.
Of all the late night talk show hosts, Ferguson is top of the shelf. For so long, he did his best hosting a show in the basement of CBS Studios. He didn't have a voice-over announcer, sidekick, or band.

Even in his last days, he didn't have a real band or any of the fancy things other sketches or games that other hosts have the ability to implement. He did it all on his own: interviewing celebrities on the fly, without the weight of a publicists list of demands of questions to avoid or promote. His monologues were always cold opens. And, for the past six years, he made a comedy duo with a gay, talking robot and two interns in a fake horse costume.

What I respect most about Ferguson was despite how wacky and non-sensical his humor was, and he took it to the extremes of what the censors would let him get away with, Ferguson is a class act. He didn't speak out of line of where his voice didn't need to be lended on politics or late-night wars. He always approached sensitive subjects with charm and self-awareness. His wisdom and the challenges he faced in his life like drug addiction and his triumph of becoming an American citizen were great avenues of seeing a serious, considerate man behind the zany, off-beat talent he has a comedian.

His last show this past Friday was truly wonderful - a considerate, easy transition of a man stepping away from the desk without it having to be dramatic or morose. Opening with all of his friends banging on some drums, thanking the fans in his opening monologue, and then continuing the show with his regular schtick of tweets and emails, and an interview with his final guest Jay Leno. It didn't make us feel like this was the last time we were ever going to see him, Ferguson was conscientious of letting his final show be exactly as he ever was: funny and hopeful. It took us out of what's going on into the world and let us sit back and enjoy the ride; which is pretty much the last ten years was. Just sitting back, chilling out, not feeling like we were being promoted movies/tv shows/albums and letting the chips of insanity fall where they may.

Thanks for the ride, CraigyFerg. Can't wait to see what you do next, as always. Keep on banging your drums, man. Tomorrow's just your future yesterday

Saturday, October 4, 2014

10 Favorite Ghost Adventures Episodes

10 Favorite Ghost Adventures investigations
Photo Credit: Ghost Adventures / Travel Channel
The crew of Ghost Adventures - Zak, Nick and Aaron - travel to some of the most abandoned and historical sites around the world to capture supernatural evidence in lockdowns from dusk until dawn.

When you catch one episode of Ghost Adventures, you're bound to call it - at first sight - fake. "The orbs they catch are bugs or dust." "The voices that are recorded are fake." Or that Zak is psychotic. (If you see any of his brilliant over-the-top monologues, you'd agree he really just like catching evidence of ghosts.) I'll agree with only the latter.

I never happened to believe in ghosts nor entirely deny the existence of the supernatural..but the biggest skeptics will find themselves in love with the investigations of asbestos infested and abandoned historical sites. I happened to catch the show one afternoon on a fourth of July weekend, my sister denounced it fake, I forced her to keep watching, and now we've been avid fans for three or four years strong. As another Halloween season is coming, I just couldn't pass by an opportunity to spotlight my ten favorite episodes. These are our Ghost Adventures!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

More Favorite Moments From The Office

May 16th 2013 is the day we all say goodbye to our friends at The Office, but we never have to say goodbye to the memories. After hitting my favorite episodes of the nine-year running sitcom, my brain started drilling up other moments of awkward brilliance I couldn't pass up. There's no doubt there are plenty more that could have been picked, and they'll never be forgotten either. Here are some more of my favorite moments. What are some of your favorite scenes, characters, or relationships in The Office? I'd love to hear your thoughts below!